Is it worth it to lead the adults to shatter the abdomen and destroy both form and spirit?

be worth
This is Yang Tian’s last thought.
A military camp instantly fell into a dead silence and watched the breath dissipate into a corpse. Every soldier’s eyes were ablaze with hatred.
Meng Fei got up and carefully took care of Yang Tian’s body to Yang Baiye’s hand and gently took care of him. He covered his body, and the sound fell out of his body, and the blood mountain flashed in the direction of Yang Tian.
A raging murder in the chest.
Yang Tian broke the abdomen because he wanted to send the news that people wanted to assassinate him back to the barracks, otherwise he wouldn’t have to do this.
I don’t care if my body is destroyed. I want to give him a message. Be careful not to be assassinated.
Meng Fei felt that he should do something, or his heart was burning like a raging flame, which made him extremely uncomfortable.
The figure stopped bleeding and dissipated. Although the battle was over, the smell of blood was still in the air.
Meng Fei turned into a virtual shadow, which roared and moved here for a moment. After that, nine scouts’ squad soldiers’ bodies were all clean and instantly beheaded, and their hands were clean and sophisticated. Obviously, they were secretly good players.
Although the law arrangement place has been broken, it still leaves a faint breath.
Meng Fei is deeply feeling the familiar smell, and his eyes are killing him. Since there is a trace of his breath lingering in the operation of this law, although I don’t know what’s going on, I think people should be willing to tell him.
Slightly close your eyes a moment later, Meng Fei’s instantaneous figure moves like a cheetah in the dark jungle.
Sen’s cold eyes are full of dangers.
In the silent wilderness, two figures roared forward, all sullen.
Today’s action was disturbed by a small team of scouts. Damn it, Yan is angry and gloomy.
Yan Cheng frown light way that blood scouts can escape from your hand if this matter is adults know that you are bound to be punished.
What can I do? Although the small blood will be repaired, it is extremely fast, but it is not in the blood king level. Finally, in my hand, the speed of the abdomen is actually broken, and it is faster than me. How can I chase it here? Yan Cheng is extremely depressed.
Open the blood emperor’s hand was actually escaped by a small blood commander. If this is preached, do you have to be laughed off?
Yan nodded slowly. If this can still explain it, but it doesn’t pass for a moment, his face turned slightly cold. Will the small broken abdomen pass the news of the two of us back to the barracks? If it causes the target to be vigilant, I’m afraid it won’t be so easy for us to finish it again in the future.
Yan Chengwen thought a little and then shook his head slowly. Although the little one is extremely fast, after all, it is just a little guy. Even if the abdomen is broken and the speed is soaring, the abdomen burns very fast. I am afraid that you will die before you return to the barracks. You must worry about this.
Yan nodded and his eyes flashed at the moment. It’s best to be far from the headquarters of the Dark Legion now. We’d better slow down and accidentally break into the headquarters of other legions, and then we’ll be in trouble.
Let’s hide our tracks for the time being. You and I will arrange the array to detect the identity of the target after the limelight has passed in two days.
Yan Cheng’s pie mouth is just a little blood dying. Can it still cause a note?
However, both of them have always been the first person in Yan’s life. Although they feel that there are some big problems in their hearts, they have no mouth.
After all, it’s always good to be careful here.
But at this moment, two people face is a change at the same time and then completely gloomy to eyes hidden fear.
Two people glances and then in vitro blood mans crazy flashing fly forward.
A faint fade in the rear locked the two men firmly, and they dodged them all the way to hide them.
Although this murder is extremely weak, it makes the two people feel a little rebellious. This situation can be explained by the fact that people are much stronger than them.
Although I didn’t know they would be locked in, now they have given up many things. Saving their lives is the most important thing.
But a moment later, the two men looked at each other and looked at each other with despair and fear in their hearts
The other side’s breath is getting stronger and stronger, and the distance between the two sides is rapidly shortening.
We can’t continue to escape, or we will be chased by him sooner or later. We can’t hide it at all, or we may win a chance. Otherwise, we will die. Although Yan Du is calm, it is still difficult to hide our fears.

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