In the sixth stage, giving good wishes to the orb is not like adding professional skills to the title of enchanting the orb given by street activities later. The title of the orb here is’ sex’, which means strength +5 intelligence +5 physical strength +5′ spirit+5 movement speed +1.

In this period, the enchanted orb of this title is rare, because all enchanted cards and beads have not increased their movement speed, which is a’ sex’ and this orb can be played on all titles.
"Are you ready for the battle?" Tianyu typed in the online group and said
"Ready!" Group line morale’ shock’ Leon replied.
"Well, I’ll give you some suggestions on street activities, but they are similar to those given by official website, but they must be helpful to you." Tianyu continued typing.
"You must enter your channel before 1 o’clock. After entering the channel, you’d better stay in Celia’s room and don’t go out, otherwise the picture will be too stuck and it will easily drop."
"But Xiong Ge still has three times of experience and gold coin activities from 14: 00 to 16: 00 …" Typed a line in the group.
"Don’t rush to brush the trumpet. If the card screen is disconnected, it will not be worth the loss. Of course, if any of you have confidence in your brain and network speed, these activities can of course be attended, but I don’t trust the old horse furniture …"
There are a lot of lines in the group. Look at Tianyu and swallow your saliva. This is the real point. Even if your brain configuration is good and your network speed is fast, you have to obey.
"Then, if you are disconnected before 3 o’clock, you will continue to call immediately, but when you find a crowded channel, don’t worry, wait for a minute and then click. Generally speaking, you can squeeze in. If you don’t get the’ sex’ reward in the offline stage after 3 o’clock, just relax and get it."
"But my heart is really unbalanced …" Typed another line in the group.
"No way, this luck is really important. If you drop the line before 3 o’clock and find that the fourth district of Zhejiang is full and can’t get in, and it is 3 o’clock at that time, you can choose to log in to the game in other areas with fewer people and directly create the corner’ color’. This 3 o’clock gift box can still be obtained through official website."
"White Brother Xiong!"
"It’s probably like this. Everyone goes to bed early tonight and enters the game before 9 o’clock! It’s the weekend, and the student party holiday competition will be very exciting, so everyone should be prepared! " Tianyu finally told in the group
Then Tianyu opened his management group and typed, "Brothers! Tianzhao plans to meet at the new’ wave’ Internet cafe at 1 o’clock! "
"white!" Two whew, bones they happen to coincide typing replied.
Then Tianyu opened the chat window of "Flower Sword" and typed and asked, "Please do something about" Flower Sword ""
"What’s the matter, please don’t please anyway, where is the workshop different? Moreover, the proportion of game coins in the four districts of Zhejiang is not as high as that in other districts. "
Chapter 691 Booking
Tianyu looked at the’ flower’ sword reply and lamented a.
How many players are cursing in the workshop? But the fact is that it should be scolded, just like this game street activity, if the workshop was not rampant, where would so many sincere players be stuck and disconnected? After all kinds of crowded can’t squeeze in.
He turned a deaf ear to this curse’ flower’ sword, because he knows the world well and can make money. It’s so-called that he is not short of teeth and’ meat’
"Well, good luck and don’t stop then," Tianyu quipped.
"Don’t crow your mouth. Be careful on your own side. The primary school students are jealous and pull the gate of the Internet cafe." Hua Jian quipped.
"…" Tianyu thought that he had experienced the street twice later, and it seemed that he had really heard of which Internet cafe had been pulled by primary school students. It was estimated that the netizens playing dnf in that Internet cafe were crazy at that time.
The next day, on June 19th, dnf players all geared up and entered the game early.
And Tianyu and his party drove Tianyu and Erxiu by bones to the Internet cafe in the city-the new "wave" Internet cafe.
It is Uncle Li who manages that Internet cafe, and just yesterday Tianyu has called Uncle Li to package the whole Internet cafe, from early package to 4: 00 pm. The friendship price of each computer is 15 yuan.
This price has been very cost-effective. Although Tianyu arrived at the Internet cafe at 1 o’clock, the Internet cafe also had to do business early, so it had to be brought early to around 8 o’clock. Except for last night’s accommodation, other players were not allowed to enter the computer.
Izumo has taken some of his friends to the alley, which is the only way to go to the Internet cafe and Tianyu. They have agreed on the meeting place.
This time, one of them probably got to know each other after Izumo made a brief introduction.
Izumo, of course, these friends also play dnf. Today, Izumo asked them to help Tianyu because there are more than one computer in the Internet cafe. If there are four people, obviously some numbers can’t come.
What’s the advantage? It’s that two computers can hang four accounts if they are willing to open them.
Although one or two of Izumo’s friends are rich at home and send such a little money to the street, the key is the atmosphere and Izumo’s love.
Anyway, people appeared at the entrance of the new "wave" Internet cafe at ten o’clock.
"Is Uncle Li there?" Tianyu into the "door" to the cashier called a.
Then he looked around and found that the internet cafe was really cold and cheerless today, but it seems that Uncle Li has arranged everything.
"Uncle Li is not here. What do you want with him?" A scrawny young man got up from the cashier’s counter with a sleepy face. Obviously, he didn’t sleep well last night.
"Nothing" Tianyu replied.
The young man looked at Tianyu and the people behind him and then pointed to the sign beside the’ door’ and said, "Since it’s nothing for you to find Uncle Li, it should be to come to the Internet cafe? Today, the closed sign here says, "
It was only when the young man woke Tianyu that he found that there was indeed a sign here that said "closed for business today"
"My uncle and I have an appointment to book the Internet cafe today." Tianyu walked to the cashier and said to the guy with a smile.
At this time, the young man looked at the boy of his own age and changed his face. The’ Jing’ God replied, "Are you the person who packed the Internet cafe mentioned by Uncle Li?"
"What’s your name?" The young man confirmed
"Li Tianyu"
All the machines in the bar "You can get the machine now, wait and come to the ledger" have been unlocked.
Tianyu and his party filed in, so it was already 1 o’clock, and they had to seize the time.
Tianyu, the account number, has been written on the paper and distributed to everyone just when it was on the way.
There are about 15 accounts in each district, depending on personal wishes.
At the moment, the internet cafe has been cleaned up, except for a mother who sweeps the floor, only the grandstand guy is left.
"Uncle Li went out today?" Tianyu came to the bar again and asked
"Well" guy at this moment is controlling the mouse click on something to see Tianyu come quickly got up and replied.
"When will you come back?"
"I don’t know if I heard that Uncle Li had something to do, but he went to a meeting." The young man replied truthfully because he had heard the name "Li Tianyu". Who asked the owner of Uncle Li to be wanted in black?
Think this guy can also white Li Tianyu and uncle Li’ make friends’ with each other. When you can flatter your eyes, you must have a good word.
"Well, you give these two pots of tempting to him and apologize to him for me. I went home during the Spring Festival last year and couldn’t come to see him." Tianyu said and put his hand bag on the bar.
The young man carefully put away the wine and smiled. "Anything else?"
"No thank you" Tianyu smiled and nodded and turned around.
But just a few steps later, a cry came out, "Shit! Is it closed here today? "
Tianyu turned around to see that there were four or five people in the other party, and each hair was hairy, messy and colorful, and five flowers and doors immediately made a judgment to kill Matt.
But those people are obviously furious because Tianyu can see from the’ color’ of the guy’s face at the bar that he is somewhat afraid of these people.

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