John was startled by this woman who suddenly rushed over. Looking in the direction of the woman, he found that a wooden building over there had burned to ashes, and not far away, a coke the size of a child was still smoking hot black smoke.

"madam! Your son is dead! My ability! " John looked at the crazy woman and answered with some hesitation and some nai.
"no! He can still be saved! He can still be saved! Please! Help my son! Help my son! " The woman still whined and screamed at the top of her lungs, stinging the bone marrow and making John feel uncomfortable all over.
He made a woman run away, once again returned to the cave, crossed the stairs, passed the body, hit the heavy door, fled into the deep cave and ran in the direction of his wife and children, leaving the crazy mother alone.
Finally, I ran to the position and watched my wife and children sitting on the ground. I was scared by the explosion and vibration just now, and John was relieved to kneel beside his wife and hugged his family and cried.
I don’t know how long it took the family to stop crying, and I found that the number of people in the cave suddenly increased. There were old people, children, men and women one after another, and John knew that this was because people were afraid to live in their own homes again after the bombing, and they rushed into the cave to avoid the call of death.
Of course, there are people who have no homes like John. They are taken by officers to various places to prevent caves and arrange for them to live in places similar to refugee camps, which can be regarded as solving the problem of accommodation for people who can return home.
John arranged for his family to pile up some luggage around to protect the original half of the chassis, and then explained a few words to several familiar "neighbors" around him, asking these familiar friends and neighbors to take care of their family, and then shuttled into the crowd again and walked out of the dark hole.
He is a nearby defense coordinator, and naturally he has to rush to the standby place to wait for instructions from the military. This is his other job and his current source of income. Of course, John is looking forward to German bombing and doing more work in exchange for military food and subsidies-but he never expected that the second bombing would be so bloody and so manic.
He got out of the hole-proof gate, passed by the man, ignored the body, and continued walking up the stairs. Then his whole body was dull, and he was stiff and couldn’t take a step because he saw the woman who begged him to save her son. At this moment, she was holding her son in her arms and burning, no longer shouting, no more madness, and there was a beating flame left.
Finally, John moved his eyes hard, resisted the urge of nausea and vomiting, and continued to walk towards his own place. When he got there, he found that many people had reached the first place and were still the same officer who knew John well.
"Good morning, sir …" John went to the officer and greeted him gently.
"John, is there room in your border hole?" The officer didn’t look very good and asked, "Can you squeeze out a place for my wife and son to move in?"
"When I came out, it was full," John replied without thinking. "But it’s no problem to squeeze two people in my place. It’s no big deal that I sleep outside with you."
"Thank you." The officer nodded his head and said casually, "It’s not a good idea to enlist in the army now, but I’m still a little young. Be my deputy. At least don’t go to the front."
John knows that this is a reward. If you don’t seek a good position for yourself now, if you recruit on a large scale, you won’t know where to serve. So John nodded. "Thank you, sir."
Then John helped the officers to assign the assembled citizens into groups to clean up the ruins and put out the fire and burn the buildings. Their ability can’t be dealt with until the fire engines arrive, but I heard that the fire engines have all rushed to the suburban factories. It is estimated that it will take a while to burn here.
During the break, John told the officer that he had picked up a pistol. Surprisingly, the officer didn’t take it seriously. He nodded and told John to keep it, followed by John talking about the crazy woman. This time, the officer was silent.
It was a long time before he said, "John, this is a war. None of us can save ourselves in the war …"
Chapter 377 377 urgent three fire four
I don’t know if you have ever had a winter vacation, played games, set off firecrackers and watched movies in the New Year, and went to parties until the end of the holiday, when it suddenly occurred to you that there are still dozens of unfinished winter vacations. If so, then you can understand the mood of the United States at this moment.
I’ve been sitting in a big dream, hoping to see the end of the world in the European continent war, but now the United States finds that the result it wants has not appeared, but another very unpleasant ending is rapidly becoming clear.
Germany didn’t imagine that when it fought with France in World War I, it became a brilliant performance of the German armored forces. It came to Paris in one breath and played an easy victory. This made Americans stunned their glasses and generally considered their own development problems.
Every time the army officers read the report of the German armored forces, they will be beaten with chicken blood. Generally, all departments hope to build their own armored corps to cope with the future war mode.
The United States has also made great efforts to develop its own armored tank force, and developed 3 and 3lee tanks in one breath to deal with the future "German tank threat". 3 tanks were developed under the influence of Germany’s blitz on Poland, which is regarded as the more advanced main tanks in the hands of the US Army.
However, this kind of tank is equipped with 37 mm caliber main gun armor, and it is also behind more than a little. Compared with the German Leopard tank, it is obviously behind the times. Compared with the latest German Tiger tank, it seems to be even more different.
Considering this reason, it was also stimulated by the French campaign. The United States ordered a fire-enhanced tank equipped with 75 mm caliber guns. As a result, like the French b1 tank, a 75 mm tank gun was added to the front side of the car body. Super 3 tank.
These two tanks have been criticized since they came out. It seems that the US Army is not satisfied with this overall strength. The difference between German tanks is almost one generation. However, the US Army has not been threatened by strong tanks for the time being. Even if it is dissatisfied, the Army still holds its nose and equips three such "scrap iron" vehicles.
Compared with the US Army, the US Army is even more urgent. Some American p36 fighters are very different from the third Reich export fighters e19 fighters and German fw19d fighters, which is why the US Army is eager to acquire new fighters.
However, compared with the army’s conservatism and slowness, American military designers are much bolder. They immediately came up with a design plan, which has two high-powered engines and looks weird than this. This is the history of the famous American p3 twin-engine fighter. In another time, it shot down Yamashita, a Japanese general, and became famous.
It’s a pity that it’s one thing to come up with a design scheme, but it’s another thing to demonstrate mass production after the test flight. Now the US military leader fighter is still a miserable p36 fighter.
At the moment when the United States was catching up, a more shocking news suddenly came. Hundreds of thousands of troops in Dunkirk surrendered to Germany. The British navy was screened by the German high seas fleet overnight or in the morning. The European war situation was two hours worse than expected by the American law. It is very intelligent that France will surrender to Germany in a few days.
This America can’t sit still. Roosevelt immediately summoned the British ambassador to the United States and got even more jaw-dropping information from the ambassador. Britain lost hundreds of thousands of troops to control the North Atlantic, and the French army was wiped out. Now it has already dealt with the upcoming war situation.
"Is it really so serious?" American President Roosevelt asked, frowning at the mouth of the British ambassador in front of him
The British ambassador looked like a bachelor, and he didn’t see any clue until he coughed twice. "The sinking of the Hood and the Hope was the most painful loss of the Royal Navy of the British Empire, including the loss of almost one-third of the aircraft carrier fleet. The British facts have already tried to continue the war."
"The situation has reached the point where it can be saved by this method?" Roosevelt sighed and murmured that he suddenly had an illusion at this time. Did the Berlin head of state in the distant European continent keep pressing his own strength and then suddenly use his strength to kill Britain and France to shield the possibility of American trouble?
Shaking his head to dispel such pessimistic thoughts, Roosevelt once again took a strong stance and said, "If the United States can pool some resources to help Britain, can Britain continue to deal with Germany?"
"Dear Mr. President, the British Empire certainly doesn’t want to lose its position and influence in Europe, but I really can’t think of any resources to support us to continue the war. After all, the German blockade has made us very strong."
"The United States doesn’t want to see Germany unify Europe," Roosevelt thought for a moment and said, "I prefer you to be an English gentleman to deal with the Germans."
He thought about it and looked at the trees outside the window. It seemed that he made a great determination before saying, "I’ll try. If possible, I’ll give Britain a lot of support to resist the war of aggression, including weapons and equipment and food and fuel."
"I need to know about the scale and then give feedback to the country to decide whether to accept American kindness." The ambassador secretly changed his face. Of course, he wanted Britain to strive for the greatest benefit, even if it was defeated, it must be the greatest benefit that Britain could get.
"In terms of the army, our American family is not rich, and I am willing to take out three cars, three tanks and two cars," Roosevelt said. "This is the best sincerity I can show."
"In addition, we will also have two fighter planes, including p36 and later more advanced models, to help Britain stabilize its indigenous system. Although p36 can cope with various German aircraft forces, it is better than nothing, right?" He didn’t wait for the British ambassador to tell his chips.
"We still need 20,000 grenades, Mr. President. Once Germany invades Britain, we will defend ourselves to the death," replied the British ambassador.
"but! Then the navy, we will help Britain produce four aircraft carriers and the corresponding escort fleet. I will try my best to hand over these warships to Britain in one year, but whether these warships can come to catch the British land war depends on the German meaning. "
"I believe that if these promises can be fulfilled, the Germans could not have ended the Anglo-German war 194 years ago," the ambassador said with a smile. "With these, we will resist to the end! Let the Germans know that their contempt for Britain is a complete mistake! "
He replied that Roosevelt was very satisfied that the United States wanted to fight for about two years. Once America’s powerful industry produced millions of armed troops at full capacity and had more advanced weapons and equipment, it would be a breeze.
I hope the war process can be rapid and slow … Looking at the back of the British ambassador, Roosevelt thought to himself.
A port in new york has been loaded with boxes of hand grenades, and the boxes of hand grenades on ships have piled up like mountains. This ship is flying the American flag, so the United States naturally hopes that it can be safely transported to its destination, Britain, because it has already arrived there, and every shell must be saved and put in danger.
"Be careful!" A crew member wakes up the clumsy stevedores. "These are flammable and explosive things. If you are not careful, the whole ship will turn into a big fireworks!"
"White! "Sir," said the boatman, who seems to be all hands handling ammunition, nodding his head. As he spoke, he put a box of bullets in his hand on another hill. This transport ship was actually full of 100 million bullets and hundreds of thousands of grenades, and it was one of the most important aid transport fleets.
His ships include three ships carrying steel and grain, 15 ships carrying crude oil, and the remaining nine ships. This ship happens to be a whole merchant ship carrying arms and materials.
Including the direct transfer of five tanks and four trucks from the US team, these vehicles are filled with oil and the cockpit is full of bandages, medicines and other materials for convenience and the best transportation effect.
However, the news that these ships have been attacked again in London, the capital of Britain, has not yet arrived in the United States, because the exact loss method estimated by statistics has not been completed, but it is only a preliminary estimate that almost 20 thousand families can be directly killed in the disaster, with more than three people.
What makes the United States even more depressed is that the British Royal Fighter stationed near London, England, is the most powerful Hurricane Fighter. The army has painstakingly accumulated two fighters and 16 pilots were killed. If the United States supports p36 fighters, only this interception battle has killed 44 pilots in Britain and shot down 72 planes.
Once again, the British ambassador urgently requested to see Roosevelt. When he saw Roosevelt, he cried and made a new request to the United States from the British government. "Mr. Roosevelt, the British pilot force is almost lost. We ask you to recruit volunteers to go to Britain. The price is not a problem. We are willing to pay 5 pounds for a pilot."
Chapter 37 37 Patriots
As the United States was in a hurry to support Britain, German tanks had swept across the west coast of France, and 70 thousand British soldiers were captured without much resistance. As a result, none of the British expeditionary forces deployed in continental Europe could be formed, and some of them were arrested in the German battalion.
At this time, the front fender of the tank of the 1st armored division of the German Armored Forces was less than 2km away from the center of the French capital. De Gaulle prevented a slight resistance, and two b1 tanks attempted to flank the German tank troops. However, the alert German reconnaissance troops found this ambush. Stuka destroyed the French tank and killed two French soldiers lying around.
The German capital is near the suburbs, and everyone is waiting in line to fill out the registration form to join the invincible team to help their nation expand its territory. These citizens who have come to register are interested in arcado, the great head of the Great German Party. Rudolph is full of inexplicable enthusiasm, and they are all willing to put their hands on the national flag and swear allegiance to the great head of state and this country.
It’s a sea of people here, and it’s not inferior to the British sailor registration office. This is called the German nation, which is as excellent as the British. They are willing to give their lives to their motherland and to forge German swords with German plows.
This is also the foundation of Germany’s invincible, and it is also the driving force of Germany’s strong prosperity. After filling out their own forms, young able-bodied men go to the next truck, and someone will take them away and wait for them. It will be six days of hard training. These people will have to light up at least three rounds before they can leave the new barracks and be assigned to the frontline troops to fight for the motherland and honor.
Although this kind of intensive training is quite relaxed compared with the days of the National Defence Forces, it is still the most stringent training standard in continental Europe. Comparatively speaking, the British main force is not the same standard, while the French later mobilized soldiers to train the Italians for two weeks, which is less demanding …
Even these later recruits can be called elite infantry. Compared with those veterans who have experienced the Polish war and the Belgian war, these recruits are a little immature. As long as they can survive the first few days of the war, these soldiers can immediately exert their strong fighting capacity and become the heads of state.
With no end in sight, the team suddenly stopped crawling slowly. At the recruiting office table, an old man of about 55 years old pressed the edge of the table with one hand and leaned on a slender Mao Se 19 rifle with the other.
"Sir, this is the conscription office. Don’t make trouble at your age …" An officer in charge of conscription persuaded him in distress situation. "As you can see, we are going to be 16 to 4 years old, and you are at least five. We really can’t accept it …"
"Why? Don’t even want to take care of one person’s food? Old man, I don’t have anything to kill. That’s your ancestors who didn’t have children! " The old man patted the table with a fiery temper and shouted, "You were just born when this old man and I beat the British!"
As he spoke, he waved the old Mao Se rifle in his hand, looking proud and proud. Because it was usually well maintained, he was so angry as Hong Zhong when he spoke. It seemed that even the arbor of the simple conscription office would be lifted.
"Don’t be ridiculous, sir. I know you’ve been in war, but what year are you chasing cars or tanks?" A young man lined up behind the old man followed suit.
"Young man, my old man has nothing to do. He won’t do anything but kill people by beating the British and receiving state subsidies." The old man sighed and said, "I just don’t want my collar to be so deserted …"
"Let’s see what else you can show us," said the young officer at the recruiting office with a smile.
The middle-aged officer who had been silent frowned and finally stopped talking, but instead of talking to the old man, he taught the young officer "how to speak?" Remember when the Fuehrer lectured us? Get up and recite it for me! "
"Yes!" The young officer immediately put away his arrogance and recited the admonition from the head of state to the conscription office. "I, the German head of state, dare not despise the heavenly heroes, dare not forget the people’s trust and dare not deceive the national heroes. When you go to the empire to recruit elite soldiers, you must not be contemptuous, and you must not take away others’ wishes."
"good! With these words, the old man sold this bone to this Fuhrer! " The old man nodded and smiled. "It’s good for you to see me. Give me the form quickly and let me join the army."
When he laughed, his foot stepped on the bolt of the rifle, and the bolt was pulled. The inside of the gun was rusted like a brand new one, and the old man did not see it. He closed the bolt with a slight kick and let the bullet top the gun.

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